June Newsletter

Dine & Donate Fundraiser

Please support CLS by dinning at PIZZERIA PARADISO on Wednesday June 5, 2019 from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM.  CLS will receive 15% of the proceeds when you mention “CLS.”  Pizzeria Paradiso is located at 4800 Rhode Island Avenue, Hyattsville, MD 20781.  We hope to see you there!

You can also support Community Legal Services when shopping through Amazon Smile! When you shop online using Amazon Smile, Amazon donates 0.5% of your purchase back to our organization. Start now by clicking the button below to designate Community Legal Services of Prince George’s County, Inc. as your chosen charitable organization.  AMAZON SMILE


CLS Welcomes Nasheia Conway and Claudia Vanessa Aguirre Ciudad Real

Please help us welcome our new staff members Nasheia Conway and Claudia Vanessa Aguirre Ciudad RealNasheia Conway joined CLS in May 2019.  She staffs our Family Law Clinic for the Self-Represented in the Circuit Courthouse where she provides brief advice in family law matters.  Ms. Conway received her Bachelors in Sociology/Criminal Justice, cum laude in May 2012.  She received her Juris Doctor from the University of Baltimore School of Law in May 2015.  Prior to joining CLS, Ms. Conway’s employment included her Solo Practice, Program Director for Civil Rights at SAVE SERVICES, and Assistant State’s Attorney for the Office of the State’s Attorney in Baltimore.  Ms. Conway served as served as Investigative Intern for the Office of the Public Defender in Upper Marlboro in 2011.

Claudia Aguirre joined CLS in April 2019 and as a Legal Assistant for our Family Referral Program.  Ms. Aguirre received her Associates Degree in Public Relations from Francisco Gavidia University in El Salvador.  Her previous employment positions include Flight Attendant for QATAR AIRWAYS, which allowed her to visit over 70 countries, Public Relations Event Planner for Los Cobanos Village Diving School and Assistant Manager at MM Publicidad in El Salvador.  Ms. Aguirre’s additional trainings include Advanced Open Water Diving and Emergency and First Response Rescue Diver. Her languages include Spanish, English and Portuguese.


Are you interested in building your practice by adding Protective and Peace Orders?

Training is available. CLS will provide mentoring to help you prepare your case.  You will also be able to shadow one of staff attorneys during Protective and Peace Order hearings.  If you are interested or have any questions, please email Catrina Aquilino, Esq. at aquilino@clspgc.org


Free Estate Planning Services for Income-Eligible Adults of Any Age

CLS now provides free estate planning services for income-eligible county residents. Our staff attorney is available to prepare wills, advanced medical directives and power of attorney documents.  To schedule an appointment, please call 240-391-6532, ext. 8.


Estate Planning Clinic for Income-Eligible Seniors Ages 60 and Over

Our next Estate Planning clinic will be held in Suitland on Saturday, June 1, 2019, 10 AM – 3 PM, at the First New Hope Baptist Church, 4818 Suitland Road, Suitland, MD 20746.  Space is limited and reservations are required. To register please 443-703-3052.  Attorneys will be available to prepare wills, advance medical directives, and power of attorney documents for income eligible clients.


Recruiting Out-of-State Volunteer Attorneys

CLS and other nonprofit legal services providers presented at the Department of Commerce, Office of the General Counsel’s Pro Bono Bono Brown Bag lunch on April 4, 2019. The event provided legal services providers volunteer opportunities available to government attorneys to do pro bono work in Maryland. Maryland allows out-of-state attorneys to volunteer for legal services providing assistance to low-income individuals, such as CLS.  The information was well received and many of the attorneys expressed enthusiasm for taking on cases.  We look forward to working with this new pool of volunteer attorneys.


Funding Available for Representation in Foreclosure Prevention

CLS has funding for attorneys representing clients in Prince George’s County through our Foreclosure Prevention Program.  CLS has expanded our Foreclosure Prevention project to provide paid hours to attorneys accepting cases for representation in foreclosure defense cases, post-foreclosure Motions for Surplus, tenants in foreclosures, as well foreclosure mediation.  In foreclosure prevention cases, the funding provides attorneys $80.00 an hour and up to thirty hours of representation. Funds include representation at judicial proceedings, mediation preparation, representation at mediation, and negotiations.  Additionally, funding is available for bankruptcy chapter 7, and other legal actions that may help the client save his home.  If you are interested in being added to our foreclosure volunteer attorney pool, or require additional information, please contact Michael Udejiofor at 240-391-6532, ext. 1 or udejiofor@clspgc.org.  Training, mentoring and malpractice insurance is provided.  Funding is available from a generous grant provided by Maryland Legal Services Corporation (MLSC).


 CLS Monthly Foreclosure Prevention Training – Last Wednesday of Every Month

Our next monthly training will be held on Wednesday, March 24, 2019.  PLEASE NOTE the CHANGE IN TIME for this training.  It will start at 1:00 PM.  Our guest presenter will be Bud Stephen Tayman, Esq.  Please RSVP to Nora Eidelman at 240-391-6532, ext. 5 or eidelman@clspgc.org Trainings will be held at 6301 Ivy Lane, Suite 720, Greenbelt, MD.


 Sign up to help families avoid wrongful evictions in our Failure to Pay Rent Tenant Representation Program. Training & Stipend is Available. 

CLS is seeking attorneys to provide same day representation to tenants in Prince George’s County Rent Court, located at Hyattsville District Court. CLS provides training, malpractice insurance coverage, mentoring, and support to our volunteers.  Out-of-state attorneys are welcomed.   Representing Tenants in Prince George’s County Rent Court training, in partnership with the Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland, is available on line at www.pbrc.org.  The training includes Landlord/Tenant rules and perspectives, issue spotting in Failure to Pay Rent complaints, and practical advice for handling cases.  If you wish to take this training or have questions about the program, please contact Kayla Williams, Esq. at  williams@clspgc.org.  Participating attorneys must commit to volunteer to staff two clinics or take two landlord/tenant cases within one year of completing the training.

Beyond this volunteer commitment, a stipend of $100* will be provided to attorneys in exchange for their representation. *per docket. Funding for this program is provided by Maryland Legal Services Corporation (MLSC).


Civil Cases Available for Attorneys and Other Volunteer Opportunities

Through our Lawyer Referral Program, we refer income eligible clients to attorneys for representation in their domestic cases.  Judicare funding pays the attorneys’ fees.  Attorneys receive $100.00 per hour with a cap of $3,000 per case.  The billing process with CLS allows you to bill twice during the life of the case.  MLSC reimburses CLS for your billed time.  As a result, a slight delay in Judicare payments should be anticipated.  This funding program is administered by the Maryland Legal Services Corporation (MLSC) with funds from the Administrative Office of the Courts.  For more information about MSLC and the Judicare program, please visit https://www.mlsc.org/.

CLS’s domestic violence program places protective order and peace order petitioners and respondents with attorneys. A limited funding of up to $500 per case is available for attorneys providing representation in these cases.

CLS encourages attorneys to take pro bono cases. CLS has requests for landlord tenant attorneys, wills attorneys, and attorneys for additional civil legal cases. CLS can place cases with attorneys based on the attorney’s preferred case type.

CLS also has volunteer opportunities at our Brief Advice clinics. Expand and grow your practice by volunteering around your schedule.

CLS clients have limited means but have real legal issues that require representation. Help CLS bridge the Access to Justice Gap by taking Judicare or Pro bono cases. CLS provides our volunteer attorneys training, mentoring, access to a litigation fund, monthly practitioner’s clinics, and malpractice insurance.  To learn more about our opportunities, please contact Nora C. Eidelman, at 240-391-6532, ext. 5.

Community Legal Services of Prince George’s County, Inc. (CLS) is a non-profit organization established to provide quality civil legal services to low-income residents of Prince George’s County.  CLS provides direct legal services through the generous contributions by members of the private bar.  Additionally, CLS operates free Brief Advice Clinics throughout the County, including in the Prince George’s County Circuit Court, Room 2435 M, the Prince George’s County Multi-Services Center in Langley Park, and in Suitland’s Windsor Crossings Apartments.  For referrals of low-income residents of Prince George’s County to CLS programs, our hotline is 240-391-6370. Intake is Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm., online applications are available at www.clspgc.org. For more information about our services, please contact Nora C. Eidelman, at 240-391-6532, ext. 5.

May Newsletter

Thanking Our Volunteers

CLS’s Board of Directors and staff express our gratitude to everyone who attended our appreciation event for our Volunteer Attorneys at Franklins Restaurant on April 8, 2019.  It is because of our volunteers’ dedication and commitment to equal access to justice for all that CLS is able to deliver quality legal services to so many deserving income-eligible clients in Prince George’s County every year.

We thank our event sponsors Vigilante Coffee Co., Wood’s Flower and Gifts,  and Copper Canyon Grill for their generous support of this event to honor our Volunteers!  We give special thanks to Franklins Restaurant Brewery for donating to 20% of the  those who dinned at Franklins in support of CLS on the day of the event.

Special Thanks

We expressed our sincere gratitude to the Board of Directors of the Maryland Bar Foundation for its generous funding donation. The funding will help us publish our comprehensive Guide to Legal Services brochures, and make them available at our various office locations, to other nonprofit organizations and our county agencies.  The Guide to Legal Services is a popular resource  providing resources of local services.


Dine & Donate Fundraiser

Please support CLS by dinning at PIZZERIA PARADISO on Wednesday June 5, 2019 from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM.  CLS will receive 15% of the proceeds when you mention “CLS.”  Pizzeria Paradiso is located at 4800 Rhode Island Avenue, Hyattsville, MD 20781.  We hope to see you there!

You can support Community Legal Services when shopping through Amazon Smile! When you shop online using Amazon Smile, Amazon donates 0.5% of your purchase back to our organization. Start now by clicking the button below to designate Community Legal Services of Prince George’s County, Inc. as your chosen charitable organization.  AMAZON SMILE


Recruiting Out-of-State Volunteer Attorneys

CLS and other nonprofit legal services providers presented at the Department of Commerce, Office of the General Counsel’s Pro Bono Bono Brown Bag lunch on April 4, 2019. The event provided legal services providers volunteer opportunities available to government attorneys to do pro bono work in Maryland. Maryland allows out-of-state attorneys to volunteer for legal services providing assistance to low-income individuals, such as CLS.  The information was well received and many of the attorneys expressed enthusiasm for taking on cases.  We look forward to working with this new pool of volunteer attorneys.


Success Stories

This quarter our success stories included an approved loan modification for a client and a delayed eviction in a wrongful detainer action. We were able to assist a client in submitting and receiving a loan modification.  The proposed repayment plan was not affordable or sustainable for the client, so she declined it. However, she was able to request a mediation and will be represented by one of our pro bono attorneys. The client is still in her home and working on saving money to pay towards the arrearage amount.

The second success story involved a previous client who came in for brief legal advice the day before her court date. The new owner of the home filed a wrongful detainer action against the client and sought a judgment for possession.  The new homeowner was granted judgment for possession, but our staff attorney was able to get the Judge to stay the eviction proceedings for thirty days to give her additional time to move out.

Both clients were pleased with the service and advice received from our staff and expressed their gratitude for allowing them to extend their time in their homes.


Funding Available for Representation in Foreclosure Prevention

CLS has funding for attorneys representing clients in Prince George’s County through our Foreclosure Prevention Program.  CLS has expanded our Foreclosure Prevention project to provide paid hours to attorneys accepting cases for representation in foreclosure defense cases, post-foreclosure Motions for Surplus, tenants in foreclosures, as well foreclosure mediation.  In foreclosure prevention cases, the funding provides attorneys $80.00 an hour and up to thirty hours of representation. Funds include representation at judicial proceedings, mediation preparation, representation at mediation, and negotiations.  Additionally, funding is available for bankruptcy chapter 7, and other legal actions that may help the client save his home.  If you are interested in being added to our foreclosure volunteer attorney pool, or require additional information, please contact Michael Udejiofor at 240-391-6532, ext. 1 or udejiofor@clspgc.org.  Training, mentoring and malpractice insurance is provided.  Funding is available from a generous grant provided by Maryland Legal Services Corporation (MLSC).


CLS Monthly Foreclosure Prevention Training – Last Wednesday of Every Month

Our next monthly training will be held on Wednesday, March 24, 2019.  PLEASE NOTE the CHANGE IN TIME for this training.  It will start at 1:00 PM.  Our guest presenter will be Bud Stephen Tayman, Esq.  Please RSVP to Nora Eidelman at 240-391-6532, ext. 5 or eidelman@clspgc.org Trainings will be held at 6301 Ivy Lane, Suite 720, Greenbelt, MD.


Sign up to help families avoid wrongful evictions in our Failure to Pay Rent Tenant Representation Program. Training & Stipend is Available. 

CLS is seeking attorneys to provide same day representation to tenants in Prince George’s County Rent Court, located at Hyattsville District Court. CLS provides training, malpractice insurance coverage, mentoring, and support to our volunteers.  Out-of-state attorneys are welcomed.   Representing Tenants in Prince George’s County Rent Court training, in partnership with the Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland, is available on line at www.pbrc.org.  The training includes Landlord/Tenant rules and perspectives, issue spotting in Failure to Pay Rent complaints, and practical advice for handling cases.  If you wish to take this training or have questions about the program, please contact Kayla Williams, Esq. at  williams@clspgc.org.  Participating attorneys must commit to volunteer to staff two clinics or take two landlord/tenant cases within one year of completing the training. 

Beyond this volunteer commitment, a stipend of $100* will be provided to attorneys in exchange for their representation. *per docket. Funding for this program is provided by Maryland Legal Services Corporation (MLSC).


Civil Cases Available for Attorneys and Other Volunteer Opportunities

Through our Lawyer Referral Program, we refer income eligible clients to attorneys for representation in their domestic cases.  Judicare funding pays the attorneys’ fees.  Attorneys receive $100.00 per hour with a cap of $3,000 per case.  The billing process with CLS allows you to bill twice during the life of the case.  MLSC reimburses CLS for your billed time.  As a result, a slight delay in Judicare payments should be anticipated.  This funding program is administered by the Maryland Legal Services Corporation (MLSC) with funds from the Administrative Office of the Courts.  For more information about MSLC and the Judicare program, please visit https://www.mlsc.org/.

 CLS’s domestic violence program places protective order and peace order petitioners and respondents with attorneys. A limited funding of up to $500 per case is available for attorneys providing representation in these cases. 

CLS encourages attorneys to take pro bono cases. CLS has requests for landlord tenant attorneys, wills attorneys, and attorneys for additional civil legal cases. CLS can place cases with attorneys based on the attorney’s preferred case type.

CLS also has volunteer opportunities at our Brief Advice clinics. Expand and grow your practice by volunteering around your schedule.  

CLS clients have limited means but have real legal issues that require representation. Help CLS bridge the Access to Justice Gap by taking Judicare or Pro bono cases. CLS provides our volunteer attorneys training, mentoring, access to a litigation fund, monthly practitioner’s clinics, and malpractice insurance.  To learn more about our opportunities, please contact Nora C. Eidelman, at 240-391-6532, ext. 5.

Community Legal Services of Prince George’s County, Inc. (CLS) is a non-profit organization established to provide quality civil legal services to low-income residents of Prince George’s County.  CLS provides direct legal services through the generous contributions by members of the private bar.  Additionally, CLS operates free Brief Advice Clinics throughout the County, including in the Prince George’s County Circuit Court, Room 2435 M, the Prince George’s County Multi-Services Center in Langley Park, and in Suitland’s Windsor Crossings Apartments.  For referrals of low-income residents of Prince George’s County to CLS programs, our hotline is 240-391-6370. Intake is Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm., online applications are available at www.clspgc.org. For more information about our services, please contact Nora C. Eidelman, at 240-391-6532, ext. 5. 

April Newsletter

March was a busy month for CLS staff.  It is when the vast majority of our grant applications and reports to our major funders are due.  With the support of these funders, the Maryland Legal Services Corporation, Administrative Offices of the Courts, the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, Prince George’s County and your dedicated voluntarism, is that CLS is able to deliver services to thousands of income eligible clients every year.

In March, CLS also participated in several events. We held two Estate planning Clinics for income-eligible seniors in collaboration with PBRC at the College Park United Methodist Church and at the Greenbelt Municipal Center.  Volunteer attorneys and CLS staff assisted close to 30 seniors with wills, advanced medical directives and financial powers of attorney documents.  On March 2nd, CLS and the Prince George’s County Bar Association teamed up for the 4th annual expungement event with Reid Temple A.M.E. Church in Glenn Dale. Our staff and volunteer attorneys assisted 68 clients with 245 expungable cases.  On March 9th, CLS participated at the annual “Estudios Universitarios a su Alcance: Un Taller Gratis en Español” (“A College Education is Within Your Reach: A Free Workshop in Spanish”) hosted by the University of Maryland at the Adele H. Stamp Student Union.  The event is a College Preparation workshop given in Spanish to provide information to students in grades 6-12 and their families.

On March 5th, our Deputy Director Nora Eidelman testified before the Maryland House Judiciary Committee in Annapolis in support of House Bill 1273.  The bill requires educational institutions and hospitals to establish policies that limit immigration enforcement from operating on those premises to the extent possible consistent with federal and State laws on certain guidelines established by the Attorney General on or before December 31, 2019.  Ms. Eidelman asked members of the Judiciary Committee to consider expanding the scope of this bill to include courthouses. Around 30% of CLS clients are members of our immigrant communities in the county, with many limited English proficient residents, first generation families, and persons with limited education.  Courthouses are places where victims go to seek protection, justice, recourse for a wrong done, etc.  We are very concerned when clients tell us that they are afraid to participate in any type of case in court including seeking a protective order against an abuser, suing an employer for unpaid wages, afraid to report a crime they witnessed for fear of detention/deportation by immigration enforcement.  We are concerned that communities generally known as vulnerable and marginalized will become even more vulnerable and marginalized. The Marylanders Access to Justice Commission convened a committee to study the reports of ICE arrests in MD state courts, and reported that it “impedes the ability of all Marylanders to access justice on an equal footing, and has an Impact the efficient and fair administration of justice.” https://www.msba.org/blog/access-to-justice-survey-concerning-ice-arrests-in-md-state-courts/

We hope you joining for this event.  We’re Getting Together to Say Thank You to our Volunteers!  Come celebrate with us, enjoy some refreshments at Franklin’s Restaurant and Brewery on April 8, 2019, 6-8 PM.  Please RSVP to Flor Ceron at ceron@clspgc.org or 240-391-6532, ext. 2.  Franklin’s address: 5123 Baltimore Avenue, Hyattsville, MD 20781

Additionally, on April 8, 2019, anytime from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM, CLS supporters can come, enjoy Franklin’s delicious food, and support CLS.  Please make sure you let the host or server know that you are dining to support CLS.  CLS will receive 20% of the pretax total receipts.


Shop Amazon Smile

Support Community Legal Services when shopping! When you shop online using Amazon Smile, Amazon donates 0.5% of your purchase back to our organization. Start now by clicking the button below to designate Community Legal Services of Prince George’s County, Inc. as your chosen charitable organization.  AMAZON SMILE


Sign up to help families avoid wrongful evictions in our Failure to Pay Rent Tenant Representation Program. Training & Stipend is Available.

CLS is seeking attorneys to provide same day representation to tenants in Prince George’s County Rent Court, located at Hyattsville District Court. CLS provides training, malpractice insurance coverage, mentoring, and support to our volunteers.  Out-of-state attorneys are welcomed.   Representing Tenants in Prince George’s County Rent Court training, in partnership with the Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland, is available on line at www.pbrc.org.  The training includes Landlord/Tenant rules and perspectives, issue spotting in Failure to Pay Rent complaints, and practical advice for handling cases.  If you wish to take this training or have questions about the program, please contact Kayla Williams, Esq. at  williams@clspgc.org.  Participating attorneys must commit to volunteer to staff two clinics or take two landlord/tenant cases within one year of completing the training.

Beyond this volunteer commitment, a stipend of $100* will be provided to attorneys in exchange for their representation. *per docket. Funding for this program is provided by Maryland Legal Services Corporation (MLSC).


CLS Monthly Foreclosure Prevention Training – Last Wednesday of Every Month

Our next monthly training will be held on Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at 2:00 pm. (Note: the April 24th training will start at 1:00 PM). Join us for a presentation regarding foreclosure related cases and speak with an experienced foreclosure attorney.  Please RSVP to Nora Eidelman at 240-391-6532, ext. 5 or eidelman@clspgc.org Trainings will be held at 6301 Ivy Lane, Suite 720, Greenbelt, MD.


Civil Cases Available for Attorneys and Other Volunteer Opportunities

Through our Lawyer Referral Program, we refer income eligible clients to attorneys for representation in their domestic cases.  Judicare funding pays the attorneys’ fees.  Attorneys receive $100.00 per hour with a cap of $3,000 per case.  The billing process with CLS allows you to bill twice during the life of the case.  MLSC reimburses CLS for your billed time.  As a result, a slight delay in Judicare payments should be anticipated.  This funding program is administered by the Maryland Legal Services Corporation (MLSC) with funds from the Administrative Office of the Courts.  For more information about MSLC and the Judicare program, please visit https://www.mlsc.org/.

CLS’s domestic violence program places protective order and peace order petitioners and respondents with attorneys. A limited funding of up to $500 per case is available for attorneys providing representation in these cases.

CLS encourages attorneys to take pro bono cases. CLS has requests for landlord tenant attorneys, wills attorneys, and attorneys for additional civil legal cases. CLS can place cases with attorneys based on the attorney’s preferred case type.

CLS also has volunteer opportunities at our Brief Advice clinics. Expand and grow your practice by volunteering around your schedule.

CLS clients have limited means but have real legal issues that require representation. Help CLS bridge the Access to Justice Gap by taking Judicare or Pro bono cases. CLS provides our volunteer attorneys training, mentoring, access to a litigation fund, monthly practitioner’s clinics, and malpractice insurance.  To learn more about our opportunities, please contact Nora C. Eidelman, at 240-391-6532, ext. 5.


Funding Available for Representation in Foreclosure Prevention

CLS has funding for attorneys representing clients in Prince George’s County through our Foreclosure Prevention Program.  CLS has expanded our Foreclosure Prevention project to provide paid hours to attorneys accepting cases for representation in foreclosure defense cases, post-foreclosure Motions for Surplus, tenants in foreclosures, as well foreclosure mediation.  In foreclosure prevention cases, the funding provides attorneys $80.00 an hour and up to thirty hours of representation. Funds include representation at judicial proceedings, mediation preparation, representation at mediation, and negotiations.  Additionally, funding is available for bankruptcy chapter 7, and other legal actions that may help the client save his home.  If you are interested in being added to our foreclosure volunteer attorney pool, or require additional information, please contact Michael Udejiofor at 240-391-6532, ext. 1 or udejiofor@clspgc.org.  Training, mentoring and malpractice insurance is provided.  Funding is available from a generous grant provided by Maryland Legal Services Corporation (MLSC).

Community Legal Services of Prince George’s County, Inc. (CLS) is a non-profit organization established to provide quality civil legal services to low-income residents of Prince George’s County.  CLS provides direct legal services through the generous contributions by members of the private bar.  Additionally, CLS operates free Brief Advice Clinics throughout the County, including in the Prince George’s County Circuit Court, Room 2435 M, the Prince George’s County Multi-Services Center in Langley Park, and in Suitland’s Windsor Crossings Apartments.  For referrals of low-income residents of Prince George’s County to CLS programs, our hotline is 240-391-6370. Intake is Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm., online applications are available at www.clspgc.org. For more information about our services, please contact Nora C. Eidelman, at 240-391-6532, ext. 5

March Newsletter

We’re Getting Together to Say Thank You to our Volunteers!  Come celebrate with us, enjoy some refreshments at Franklin’s Restaurant and Brewery on April 8, 2019, 6-8 PM.  Please RSVP to Flor Ceron at ceron@clspgc.org or 240-391-6532, ext. 2.  Franklin’s address: 5123 Baltimore Avenue, Hyattsville, MD 20781

Additionally, on April 8, 2019, anytime from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM, CLS supporters can come, enjoy Franklin’s delicious food, and support CLS.  Please make sure you let the host or server know that you are dining to support CLS.  CLS will receive 20% of the pretax total receipts.

We are delighted to announce that Jennifer L. Muskus, Esq., is once again part of CLS.  She became a member of our Board of Directors in 2008 and served as Board President from 2012 to 2013.  Ms. Muskus returned to CLS in January 2019 and staffs our Family Law Clinic for the Self-Represented in the Circuit Courthouse where she provides brief advice in family law matters. Ms. Muskus handled family law matters at Muskus & Muskus, LLC, for almost 15 years so needless to say, we know she will provide self-represented litigants great advice.  She was admitted to the Court of Appeals of Maryland in 2003.  She is member of several professional associations including the Maryland Association for Justice, Women’s Bar Association of Maryland, Maryland State Bar, Prince George’s County Bar, and the Prince George’s County Chapter of the Women’s Bar Association of Maryland.  She was the recipient of several awards including Small Firm Pro Bono Award by CLS, Pro Bono Awards from the Women’s Bar Association of Maryland among others.

Please also help us welcome our newest staff member, Elizabeth-Ann Thompson, Esq.  Ms. Thompson joined CLS in January 2019 as a staff attorney.  She staffs our Domestic Violence Legal Wellness Program (DVLWP), which provides holistic legal services for victims fleeing violence in Prince George’s County. Ms. Thompson provides brief advice, direct representation and/or referrals based on the victim’s needs.  Ms. Thompson received her Juris Doctor from North Carolina Central University, School of Law in 2012, and her Bachelors of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Prior to joining CLS, Ms. Thompson employment positions included serving as Junior Associate Attorney at Price Benowitz, LLP, Business Analyst I at Exelon Corporation, Law Clerk for Morris E. Fischer, LLC, Executive and Human Resources Intern for the National Football League Players Association, and Judicial Law Clerk for the Honorable Lynn Stewart from the Circuit Court for Baltimore City.

CLS has a new website.  Please visit www.clspgc.org to check out our new website. Attorneys can now join our Judicare panel and submit case and closing reports online. Please check our Attorney Resources page https://www.clspgc.org/what-we-do/attorney-resources/


Shop Amazon Smile

Support Community Legal Services when shopping! When you shop online using Amazon Smile, Amazon donates 0.5% of your purchase back to our organization. Start now by clicking the button below to designate Community Legal Services of Prince George’s County, Inc. as your chosen charitable organization.  AMAZON SMILE


Sign up to help families avoid wrongful evictions in our Failure to Pay Rent Tenant Representation Program. Training & Stipend is Available. 

CLS is seeking attorneys to provide same day representation to tenants in Prince George’s County Rent Court, located at Hyattsville District Court. CLS provides training, malpractice insurance coverage, mentoring, and support to our volunteers.  Out-of-state attorneys are welcomed.   Representing Tenants in Prince George’s County Rent Court training, in partnership with the Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland, is available on line at www.pbrc.org.  The training includes Landlord/Tenant rules and perspectives, issue spotting in Failure to Pay Rent complaints, and practical advice for handling cases.  If you wish to take this training or have questions about the program, please contact Kayla Williams, Esq. at williams@clspgc.org.  Participating attorneys must commit to volunteer to staff two clinics or take two landlord/tenant cases within one year of completing the training.

Beyond this volunteer commitment, a stipend of $100* will be provided to attorneys in exchange for their representation. *per docket. Funding for this program is provided by Maryland Legal Services Corporation (MLSC).


Our Next Estate Planning Clinic for Income Eligible Seniors – Ages 60 and Over

Thursday, March 21, 2019, 10 AM – 3 PM, Greenbelt Municipal Center, 25 Crescent Road Greenbelt, MD 20770.  Space is limited and reservations are required. To register call 443-703-3052.  Attorneys will be available to prepare wills, advance medical directives, and power of attorney documents for income eligible clients.


Estate Planning Clinic Volunteer Opportunity

Community Legal Services of Prince George’s County and the Pro Bono Resource Center (PBRC) are seeking attorneys to prepare simple wills, advance medical directives and financial powers of attorney for Low Income Seniors. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED:

9:30 AM – 3:30 PM
March 2, 2019 (Saturday), College Park United Methodist Church, 9601 Rhode Island Ave
March 21, 2019 (Thursday), Greenbelt Municipal Center, 25 Crescent Road

Participating attorneys will have access to free resources, including but not limited to, malpractice insurance, document templates, on-site mentors, laptops, printers and notary services.

To Volunteer:

  • Must be in good standing and licensed to practice in Maryland. (Retired and/or out-of-state barred attorneys may contact Shelly Jackson for volunteer instructions)
  • If less than 2 years of estate planning experience, training must be completed before volunteering. Visit www.probonomd.org/for-lawyers/training/estate-planning/ to register for Estate Planning Basics for Low Income Clients, a free online webcast that is accessible 24/7.
  • If 2 or more years of estate planning experience, sign up on line at:


For questions or sign up by phone or email, contact Shelly Jackson at (443) 703-3028 or sjackson@probonomd.org


Expungement Clinic Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Prince George’s County Bar Association and Community Legal Services for Prince George’s County (CLS) are teaming up for the 4th annual expungement event with Reid Temple A.M.E. Church in Glenn Dale, MD (11400 Glenn Dale Blvd, Glenn Dale, MD 20769).  Reid Temple always provides a massive turnout from the community, so we will need a great turnout from the legal community as well!
The event will be from 9 AM to 3 PM but you are welcome to volunteer even if you can’t stay the entire time.  Donuts and coffee, as well as lunch, will be provided.  Even if you can’t make it, please share the attached flyer with your networks.  To volunteer, please RSVP to me, Ben Rupert, at ben.rupert@gmail.com


CLS Monthly Foreclosure Prevention Training – Last Wednesday of Every Month

Our next monthly training will be held on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at 2:00 pm. Join us for a presentation regarding foreclosure related cases and speak with an experienced foreclosure attorney.  Please RSVP to Nora Eidelman at 240-391-6532, ext. 5 or eidelman@clspgc.org Trainings will be held at 6301 Ivy Lane, Suite 720, Greenbelt, MD.


Civil Cases Available for Attorneys and Other Volunteer Opportunities

Through our Lawyer Referral Program, we refer income eligible clients to attorneys for representation in their domestic cases.  Judicare funding pays the attorneys’ fees.  Attorneys receive $100.00 per hour with a cap of $3,000 per case.  The billing process with CLS allows you to bill twice during the life of the case.  MLSC reimburses CLS for your billed time.  As a result, a slight delay in Judicare payments should be anticipated.  This funding program is administered by the Maryland Legal Services Corporation (MLSC) with funds from the Administrative Office of the Courts.  For more information about MSLC and the Judicare program, please visit https://www.mlsc.org/.

CLS’s domestic violence program places protective order and peace order petitioners and respondents with attorneys. A limited funding of up to $500 per case is available for attorneys providing representation in these cases.

CLS encourages attorneys to take pro bono cases. CLS has requests for landlord tenant attorneys, wills attorneys, and attorneys for additional civil legal cases. CLS can place cases with attorneys based on the attorney’s preferred case type.

CLS also has volunteer opportunities at our Brief Advice clinics. Expand and grow your practice by volunteering around your schedule.

CLS clients have limited means but have real legal issues that require representation. Help CLS bridge the Access to Justice Gap by taking Judicare or Pro bono cases. CLS provides our volunteer attorneys training, mentoring, access to a litigation fund, monthly practitioner’s clinics, and malpractice insurance.  To learn more about our opportunities, please contact Nora C. Eidelman, at 240-391-6532, ext. 5.


Funding Available for Representation in Foreclosure Prevention

CLS has funding for attorneys representing clients in Prince George’s County through our Foreclosure Prevention Program.  CLS has expanded our Foreclosure Prevention project to provide paid hours to attorneys accepting cases for representation in foreclosure defense cases, post-foreclosure Motions for Surplus, tenants in foreclosures, as well foreclosure mediation.  In foreclosure prevention cases, the funding provides attorneys $80.00 an hour and up to thirty hours of representation. Funds include representation at judicial proceedings, mediation preparation, representation at mediation, and negotiations.  Additionally, funding is available for bankruptcy chapter 7, and other legal actions that may help the client save his home.  If you are interested in being added to our foreclosure volunteer attorney pool, or require additional information, please contact Michael Udejiofor at 240-391-6532, ext. 1 or udejiofor@clspgc.org.  Training, mentoring and malpractice insurance is provided.  Funding is available from a generous grant provided by Maryland Legal Services Corporation (MLSC).


Community Legal Services of Prince George’s County, Inc. (CLS) is a non-profit organization established to provide quality civil legal services to low-income residents of Prince George’s County.  CLS provides direct legal services through the generous contributions by members of the private bar.  Additionally, CLS operates free Brief Advice Clinics throughout the County, including in the Prince George’s County Circuit Court, Room 2435 M, the Prince George’s County Multi-Services Center in Langley Park, and in Suitland’s Windsor Crossings Apartments.  For referrals of low-income residents of Prince George’s County to CLS programs, our hotline is 240-391-6370. Intake is Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm., online applications are available at www.clspgc.org. For more information about our services, please contact Nora C. Eidelman, at 240-391-6532, ext. 5. 


February Newsletter

A Custody Success Story

A client called our office distraught seeking legal advice and representation after losing custody of her child through an Emergency Custody hearing. At the Emergency Hearing, the client’s Husband, who was also the child’s Father, alleged that the child, the client, and the client’s boyfriend were all sleeping in the same bed. The client denied these allegations and believed that her small child was at risk of being sexually abused by her Father, who had sexually abused the client’s oldest daughter in the past. CLS assigned a volunteer attorney to represent the client.  After several months of dedicated work by this attorney, the Court denied opposing party’s Emergency Motion for Immediate Relief, and the client was awarded sole legal and physical custody of the minor child, along with child support. The client recently called our office to express her appreciation for our services and all the great work her attorney did.


Sign up to help families avoid wrongful evictions in our Failure to Pay Rent Tenant Representation Program. Training & Stipend is Available. 

CLS is seeking attorneys to provide same day representation to tenants in Prince George’s County Rent Court, located at Hyattsville District Court. CLS provides training, malpractice insurance coverage, mentoring, and support to our volunteers.  Out-of-state attorneys are welcomed. We held a training this past November, Representing Tenants in Prince George’s County Rent Court, in partnership with the Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland, which is now available on line.  The training includes Landlord/Tenant rules and perspectives, issue spotting in Failure to Pay Rent complaints, and practical advice for handling cases.  If you wish to take this training or have questions about the program, please contact Kayla Williams, Esq. at williams@clspgc.org  Participating attorneys must commit to volunteer to staff two clinics or take two landlord/tenant cases within one year of completing the training.

Beyond this volunteer commitment, a stipend of $100* will be provided to attorneys in exchange for their representation. *per docket. Funding for this program is provided by Maryland Legal Services Corporation (MLSC).


Our Next Estate Planning Clinic for Income Eligible Seniors – Ages 60 and Over

Thursday, March 21, 2019, 10 AM – 3 PM

Greenbelt Municipal Center

25 Crescent Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770

Space is limited and reservations are required. To register call 443-703-3052.  Attorneys will be available to prepare wills, advance medical directives, and power of attorney documents for income eligible clients.


CLS Monthly Foreclosure Prevention Training – Last Wednesday of Every Month

Our next monthly training will be held on Wednesday, January 30, 2019 at 2:00 pm. Join us for a presentation regarding foreclosure related cases and speak with an experienced foreclosure attorney.  Please RSVP to Nora Eidelman at 240-391-6532, ext. 5 or eidelman@clspgc.org. Trainings will be held at 6301 Ivy Lane, Suite 720, Greenbelt, MD.


Civil Cases Available for Attorneys and Other Volunteer Opportunities

Through our Lawyer Referral Program, we refer income eligible clients to attorneys for representation in their domestic cases.  Judicare funding pays the attorneys’ fees.  Attorneys receive $100.00 per hour with a cap of $3,000 per case.  The billing process with CLS allows you to bill twice during the life of the case.  MLSC reimburses CLS for your billed time.  As a result, a slight delay in Judicare payments should be anticipated.  This funding program is administered by the Maryland Legal Services Corporation (MLSC) with funds from the Administrative Office of the Courts.  For more information about MSLC and the Judicare program, please visit https://www.mlsc.org/.

CLS’s domestic violence program places protective order and peace order petitioners and respondents with attorneys. A limited funding of up to $500 per case is available for attorneys providing representation in these cases.

CLS encourages attorneys to take pro bono cases. CLS has requests for landlord tenant attorneys, wills attorneys, and attorneys for additional civil legal cases. CLS can place cases with attorneys based on the attorney’s preferred case type.

CLS also has volunteer opportunities at our Brief Advice clinics. Expand and grow your practice by volunteering around your schedule.

CLS clients have limited means but have real legal issues that require representation. Help CLS bridge the Access to Justice Gap by taking Judicare or Pro bono cases. CLS provides our volunteer attorneys training, mentoring, access to a litigation fund, monthly practitioner’s clinics, and malpractice insurance.  To learn more about our opportunities, please contact Nora C. Eidelman, at 240-391-6532, ext. 5.


Funding Available for Representation in Foreclosure Prevention

CLS has funding for attorneys representing clients in Prince George’s County through our Foreclosure Prevention Program.  CLS has expanded our Foreclosure Prevention project to provide paid hours to attorneys accepting cases for representation in foreclosure defense cases, post-foreclosure Motions for Surplus, tenants in foreclosures, as well foreclosure mediation.  In foreclosure prevention cases, the funding provides attorneys $80.00 an hour and up to thirty hours of representation. Funds include representation at judicial proceedings, mediation preparation, representation at mediation, and negotiations.  Additionally, funding is available for bankruptcy chapter 7, and other legal actions that may help the client save his home.  If you are interested in being added to our foreclosure volunteer attorney pool, or require additional information, please contact Michael Udejiofor at 240-391-6532, ext. 1 or udejiofor@clspgc.org.  Training, mentoring and malpractice insurance is provided.  Funding is available from a generous grant provided by Maryland Legal Services Corporation (MLSC).


Community Legal Services of Prince George’s County, Inc. (CLS) is a non-profit organization established to provide quality civil legal services to low-income residents of Prince George’s County.  CLS provides direct legal services through the generous contributions by members of the private bar.  Additionally, CLS operates free Brief Advice Clinics throughout the County, including in the Prince George’s County Circuit Court, Room 2435 M, the Prince George’s County Multi-Services Center in Langley Park, and in Suitland’s Windsor Crossings Apartments.  For referrals of low-income residents of Prince George’s County to CLS programs, our hotline is 240-391-6370. Intake is Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm., online applications are available at www.clspgc.org. For more information about our services, please contact Nora C. Eidelman, at 240-391-6532, ext. 5. 

January Newsletter

We hope you had a joyous holiday season and wish you a prosperous 2019. We concluded the year with the soft-opening of our Failure to Pay Rent Tenant Representation Program with great success. On that first day, our staff attorney Latavia Alexander, Esq., represented a client in a failure to pay rent case. As a preliminary motion, Ms. Alexander raised the defense of a lack of lead certificate license number on the Failure to Pay Rent form. The Landlord’s attorney did not have proof of the license information and as the property was required to have a lead certificate the case was dismissed. Additionally, the landlord’s other failure to pay rent cases were also dismissed for lack of lead certification. Our representation provided results for numerous tenants because it lead to the dismissal of over 10 cases. The dismissals protected tenants from possible evictions.  Evictions affect our families and communities.  Our program will provide representation to tenants and hopefully minimize unlawful evictions and keep residents in their homes. A reduction in evictions will lead to more stability and less homelessness in our community. We are proud of our staff attorney and look forward to many more successes for our community.

Sign up to help in our Failure to Pay Rent Tenant Representation Program & help families avoid wrongful evictions.  Training & Stipend is Available. 

CLS is seeking attorneys to provide same day representation to tenants in Rent Court at the District Court in Hyattsville. CLS provides training, malpractice insurance coverage, mentoring, and support to our volunteers.  Out-of-state attorneys are welcomed. We held a training this past November, Representing Tenants in Prince George’s County Rent Court, in partnership with the Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland, which is now available on line.  The training includes Landlord/Tenant rules and perspectives, issue spotting in Failure to Pay Rent complaints, and practical advice for handling cases.  If you wish to take this training or have questions about the program, please contact Kayla Williams, Esq. at williams@clspgc.org  Participating attorneys must commit to volunteer to staff two clinics or take two landlord/tenant cases within one year of completing the training.

Beyond this volunteer commitment, a stipend of $100* will be provided to attorneys in exchange for their representation. *per docket  Funding for this program is provided by Maryland Legal Services Corporation (MLSC).


A Loan Modification Approved and Default Judgment Case Dismissed

Client came in for brief advice regarding a lien declaratory action brought by her mortgage company in Circuit Court.  The lien was granted because of a default judgment in the District Court entered in 2006.  The client told us that the judgment was incorrect, it was not her in the District Court, and that she knew nothing about the lien.  Our staff attorney worked with the client and after some research was able to verify that the 2006 judgment was against another woman with the same name.  After securing documentation to support this finding, our staff attorney contacted opposing counsel to inform them of the error and mix-up regarding the client.  The lien was not attached to the client’s property, and thus posed no threat to the mortgage company’s interest.  After some negotiation, opposing counsel agreed to vacate and dismiss the Circuit Court case against the client.


CLS Monthly Foreclosure Prevention Training – Last Wednesday of Every Month

Our next monthly training will be held on Wednesday, January 30, 2019 at 2:00 pm. Join us for a presentation regarding the foreclosure related cases with opportunity to speak with an experienced foreclosure attorney.  Please RSVP to Nora Eidelman at 240-391-6532, ext. 5 or eidelman@clspgc.org. Trainings to be held at 6301 Ivy Lane, Suite 720, Greenbelt, MD.


Civil Cases Available for Attorneys and Other Volunteer Opportunities

Through our Lawyer Referral Program, we refer income eligible clients to attorneys for representation in their domestic cases. Judicare funding pays the attorneys’ fees.  Attorneys receive $100.00 per hour with a cap of $3,000 per case. The billing process with CLS allows you to bill twice during the life of the case.  MLSC reimburses CLS for your billed time.  As a result, a slight delay in Judicare payments should be anticipated.  This funding program is administered by the Maryland Legal Services Corporation (MLSC) with funds from the Administrative Office of the Courts.  For more information about MSLC and the Judicare program, please visit https://www.mlsc.org/

CLS’s domestic violence program places protective order and peace order petitioners and respondents with attorneys. A limited funding of up to $500 per case is available for attorneys providing representation in these cases.

CLS encourages attorneys to take pro bono cases. CLS has requests for landlord tenant, wills as well as other civil legal cases. CLS can place cases with attorneys based on the attorney’s preferred case type.

CLS also has volunteer opportunities at our Brief Advice clinics. Expand and grow your practice by volunteering around your schedule.

CLS clients have limited means but have real legal issues that require representation. Help CLS bridge the Access to Justice Gap by taking Judicare or Pro bono cases. CLS provides our volunteer attorneys training, mentoring, access to a litigation fund, monthly practitioner’s clinics, and malpractice insurance.  To learn more about our opportunities, please contact Nora C. Eidelman, at 240-391-6532, ext. 5.

Funding Available for Representation in Foreclosure Prevention

CLS has funding for attorneys representing clients in Prince George’s County through our Foreclosure Prevention program.  CLS has expanded our Foreclosure Prevention project to provide paid hours to attorneys accepting cases for representation in foreclosure defense cases, post-foreclosure motions for Surplus, tenants in foreclosures, as well foreclosure mediation.   In foreclosure prevention cases, the funding provides attorneys $80.00 an hour up to thirty hours of representation. Funds include representation at judicial proceedings, mediation preparation, representation at mediation, and negotiations.  Additionally, funding is available for bankruptcy chapter 7, and other legal actions that may help the client save his home.  If you are interested in being added to our foreclosure volunteer attorney pool or require additional information, please contact Michael Udejiofor at 240-391-6532, ext. 1 or udejiofor@clspgc.org.  Training, mentoring and malpractice insurance is provided.  Funding is available from a generous grant provided by Maryland Legal Services Corporation (MLSC).